At Unity Lives we want to tailor the referral process to your needs and therefore offer several ways in which a referral can be made and an initial assessment undertaken

Our team will ensure throughout the referral and assessment process that yo are comfortable, we can adapt methods for meeting and gaining information, meet you in your environment and ensure that people who are important to you have opportunity to be involved.

Care & Support planning

A care and support plan is a detailed document setting out what services will be provided, how they will meet your needs, when they will be provided, and who will provide them

From initial assessment we start to co-create your care and support plans to ensure that your team has all the necessary information to provide the best quality service. 

Care and support plans are kept live and updated when there are any changes to your needs, wishes or goals. 

At Unity Lives we use a care management system to log our records and this enables us to keep your plans and health records updated. The system we use is accessible by you (the person accessing services), your staff team and in some cases, with your consent it accessible by your family.